The Upper Room and the Mystery of the Cross in Art


It is an initiative of the Faber Artis Association in collaboration with the Fabriano-Matelica Diocese, created with the contribution of 8×1000 to the Catholic Church. The Diocesan Museum of Fabriano, the Office of School Pastoral Care and the Culture Office of the Diocese also collaborate on the project.


A path inside the Cathedral of San Venanzio preparatory to Easter

Dr. Arianna Bardelli and Dr. Francesco Fantini will accompany us


The courses will take place in compliance with Covid-19 regulations To access the Museum and the Churches, within which the relative routes will take place, it is necessary to wear the FFP2 mask and be in possession of a Super Green Pass

To participate in the meetings it is advisable to communicate your membership to the following email address:


Will you be present?

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