The Treasures of the Paper City


It is a project of the Diocese of Fabriano by Faber Artis. Furthermore, given its high cultural value, the initiative is included among the collateral events of the XIII Annual Conference Unesco


Tomorrow, Sunday 9 June, from 21.30 evening opening of the Diocesan Museum and the Cathedral of San Venanzio. The visit to the two places will be guided by Dr. Arianna Bardelli (art historian). The initiative is one of the collateral events of the XIII Unesco Creative Cities Network Annual Conference, as scheduled. “The treasures of the Paper City” is a project of the Diocese of Fabriano-Matelica by FaberArtis. Please note that the visit cannot be extended to other churches in the historic center, as planned, because they are home to the Infiorate and remain closed until the afternoon of 10 June.


Will you be present?

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