Training Course ON THE WAY ON
Art & Music meet SS BIAGIO AND


In an effort to safeguard and enhance the artistic-historical cultural heritage being the property of the Diocese of Fabriano-Matelica.
Assistance, ticketing, guarding, selling of publications, guided tours, creation of educational and themed workshops, tourist packages and historical-artistic trips
With the purpose of presenting proposals and projects connecting local associations




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Take a look at the press review including articles from the main local newspapers


Read the reviews from the visitors of the Diocesan Museum

Asia G. (Perugia)

The museum provides a rich and interesting path to explore Marche and Umbria’s medieval painting and sculpture. Here one can find altar pieces as well as sculptures of remarkable quality and historical value. When coming to Fabriano, paying a visit to the Diocesan Museum, the Molajoli Art Gallery and the Paper Museum is definitely a must

Asia G. (Perugia)

Il museo offre un interessante e ricco percorso alla scoperta della pittura e della scultura medievale umbro-marchigiana. Ci sono pale d’altare e sculture di notevole qualità e valore artistico. Se si visita la città di Fabriano, non si può prescindere dal visitare anche il Museo Diocesano, la Pinacoteca Molajoli e il Museo della Carta.

PA1TW (Milan)

A tiny museum with few yet very interesting and well-exhibited and illuminated pieces featuring easy-to-read captions. Excellent organization and beautiful paintings made by the Fabriano guys that are exhibited next to the main artworks. If you have time to visit just one Art Museum in the city, I would recommend you to visit this one.

PA1TW (Milano)

Piccolo Museo con pochi pezzi ma tutti veramente interessanti, ben esposti ed illuminati e con didascalie ben leggibili. Ottima organizzazione e belli anche i dipinti dei ragazzi di Fabriano esposti di fianco alle opere principali. Se avete tempo per una sola visita ad un Museo di opere d’arte in città, io suggerisco questo.

Claudio B. (Fabriano)

A very interesting and exhaustive collection of works sorted by historical periods. The staff is highly educated and able to provide information flawlessly.

Claudio B. (Fabriano)

Selezione di opere suddivise per periodo storico, molto interessante ed esaustivo. Il personale è molto colto e riesce ad illuminare senza balzelli.

Pecci2017 (Milan)

A tiny gem, a small yet well-stocked museum; ideal to grasp a quick knowledge of Fabriano’s Christian tradition.

Pecci2017 (Milano)

Un gioiellino, museo piccolo ma ben fornito; esemplare per una rapida conoscenza della storica cristianità del fabrianese

Alessandra Biondi (Ferrara)

The historical itinerary of Fabriano’s church museum dates back to the 10-11th century and extends until 1785, when it converted into Diocese together with the town of Matelica. The exhibition areas feature several art works: paintings, sculptures, prints, cabinet-making works, holy pots, furnishings, reliquaries and liturgical hangings coming from the local churches. The exhibition begins with ancient sculpture, Agnus Dei, VII-VIII centuries (stone sculpture – Albacina Church) and after a score of paintings and sculptures the exhibition ends with a huge display showing: Vestments, Chasubles/Copes, Calyx, Monstrances, Reliquaries, Chandeliers, a beautiful path.

Alessandra Biondi (Ferrara)

L’itinerario storico del museo delle chiese di Fabriano parte dai secoli X-XI, fino ad arrivare al 1785 in cui diventa Diocesi con Matelica. Le sale espositive, hanno molte opere d’arte :pitture, sculture, stampe, lavori di ebanisteria, vasi sacri, suppellettili, reliquiari, parati liturgici che provengono da chiese del posto.La mostra inizia con l’antica scultura. Agnus Dei, secc. VII-VII (Scultura in pietra – Chiesa Parr. Albacina) e dopo un susseguirsi di dipinti e sculture si chiude con una grande vetrina che vede esposti: Paramenti, Pianete-Piviali, Calici, Ostensori, Reliquiari, Candelieri, un bel percorso.

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